
This repository provides bulk download materials for potential collections as data projects, with materials adapted and extended from the Digital Library at the University of Utah


This repository provides a space for the Marriott Library to share bulk digital collections data and metadata. Three datasets are currently available.

Mining Oral Histories

Included in the repository is a collection of oral history transcripts, OCR, and metadata, curated by Anna Neatrour, Rebekah Cummings, Rachel Wittmann, Elizabeth Callaway, and Jeremy Myntti. The oral histories are drawn from digitzed Special Collections at the Marriott Library, and were originally conducted and produced by the American West Center at the University of Utah.


Matchbooks metadata developed by Rachel Wittmann, includes additional fields for visualizing the Harold Stanley Sanders Matchbooks Collection, including business type and latitude and longitude.

Newspapers Obituary Data

A sample of obituary data developed by FamilySearch in partnership with Utah Digital Newspapers and the University of Utah.

Inspired by the Already Always Computational: Collections as Data project.