
Lua-written REPL for neovim within kitty terminal emulator

Primary LanguageLua


kitty-repl is a neovim plugin to evaluate buffer lines in a interactive interpreter using the niceties of kitty.


DISCLAIMER This plugin was created very recently and it is not finished


The idea is to create a REPL where the user can run any bunch of lines in a nvim buffer and send them to a kitty window where a JIT console evaluates them. Since I mostly write python and C/C++ code, these languages are the very first to have support. In the future it would be very interesting to add more languages.


You can use your favourite plugin manager. For example, with packer:

packer.use {
    disable = false,
    event = "BufEnter",
    config = function()
      nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>;r', ':KittyREPLRun<cr>', {})
      nvim_set_keymap('x', '<leader>;s', ':KittyREPLSend<cr>', {})
      nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>;s', ':KittyREPLSend<cr>', {})
      nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>;c', ':KittyREPLClear<cr>', {})
      nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>;k', ':KittyREPLKill<cr>', {})
      nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>;l', ':KittyREPLRunAgain<cr>', {})
      nvim_set_keymap('n', '<leader>;w', ':KittyREPLStart<cr>', {})

Currently implemented features

  • Send buffer lines writen in python and C/C++.
  • Launch ipython and cling interpreters automatically on file extension.


I really would appreciate help with this plugin since I use only two programming languages. This module could really benefit from the help and suggestions of other users.