
Boilerplate NextJS application with wallet integration (using Rainbowkit), mongodb, and Node server API.


First install mongo, node, and pnpm.

Setup mongo

mongo setup users and db

Edit environment variables

modify .env files

Install apps

Install the Next app.

cd next-app
pnpm install

And API.

cd api
pnpm install


Run the Next app in dev mode

cd next-app
pnpm dev

While developing the Next app, you can check for typescript errors using pnpx tsc --noEmit --incremental.

When a production version is ready, run:

pnpm build


Install pm2.

pnpm install -g pm2

Start the API and Next App.

pm2 start pnpm --name "api" -- start
pm2 start pnpm --name "next-app" -- start