
React Native: Native Bottom Action Sheet

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

PRs Welcome

ReactNative: Native Bottom Action Sheet (Android/iOS)

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A simple library that creates native BottomSheet actions according to the Material Design Specs


Sheet View: rubensousa/BottomSheetBuilder
Grid View: rubensousa/BottomSheetBuilder
Alert View: javiersantos/BottomDialogs


Sheet View: sagiwei/SGActionView
Grid View: sagiwei/SGActionView
Alert View: sagiwei/SGActionView

📖 Getting started

$ npm install react-native-bottom-action-sheet --save

$ react-native link react-native-bottom-action-sheet

$ react-native link react-native-vector-icons

  • iOS

    • After react-native link react-native-bottom-action-sheet, please verify node_modules/react-native-bottom-action-sheet/ios/ contains Pods folder. If does not exist please execute pod install command on node_modules/react-native-bottom-action-sheet/ios/, if any error => try pod repo update then pod install
  • Android

Please add below snippet into your app build.gradle

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url "https://maven.google.com" }

allprojects {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
		maven { url "https://maven.google.com" }

Note: This library is support on Android 27 > above

💻 Usage

import RNBottomActionSheet from 'react-native-bottom-action-sheet';

import Icon from 'react-native-vector-icons'

💡 Example's

  • Sheet View

    • API Way
    let facebook = <Icon family={'FontAwesome'} name={'facebook'} color={'#000000'} size={30} />
    let instagram = <Icon family={'FontAwesome'} name={'instagram'} color={'#000000'} size={30} />
    let SheetView = RNBottomActionSheet.SheetView;
      title: "Awesome!",
      items: [
        { title: "Facebook", value: "fb", subTitle: "Facebook Description", icon: facebook },
        { title: "Instagram", value: "insta", subTitle: "Instagram Description", icon: instagram },
      theme: "light",
      selection: 3,
      onSelection: (index, value) => {
        // value is optional
        console.log("selection: " + index + " " + value);
      onCancel: () => console.log('Closing the bottom SheetView!!!')
    • React Way
     let facebook = <Icon family={'FontAwesome'} name={'facebook'} color={'#000000'} size={30} />
     let instagram = <Icon family={'FontAwesome'} name={'instagram'} color={'#000000'} size={30} />
     <RNBottomActionSheet.SheetView visible={this.state.sheetView} title={"Awesome!"} theme={"light"} onSelection={(index, value) => {
     	// value is optional
     	console.log("selection: " + index + " " + value);
     	<RNBottomActionSheet.SheetView.Item title={"Facebook"} subTitle={"Facebook Description"} icon={facebook} />
     	<RNBottomActionSheet.SheetView.Item title={"Instagram"} subTitle={"Instagram Description"} icon={instagram} />


  • We have added family prop for Icon class, please make sure that you pass the props
  • Grid View

    • API Way
     let facebook = <Icon family={'FontAwesome'} name={'facebook'} color={'#000000'} size={30} />
     let instagram = <Icon family={'FontAwesome'} name={'instagram'} color={'#000000'} size={30} />
     let GridView = RNBottomActionSheet.GridView
     		title: "Awesome!",
     		items: [
     		{ title: "Facebook", icon: facebook },
     		{ title: "Instagram", icon: instagram }
     		theme: 'light',
     		onSelection: (index, value) => {
     		console.log('selection: ' + index + ' ' + value)
    • React Way
     let facebook = <Icon family={'FontAwesome'} name={'facebook'} color={'#000000'} size={30} />
     let instagram = <Icon family={'FontAwesome'} name={'instagram'} color={'#000000'} size={30} />
     <RNBottomActionSheet.GridView visible={this.state.gridView} title={"Awesome!"} theme={"light"} selection={3} onSelection={(index, value) => {
     	console.log('selection: ' + index + ' ' + value);
     	<RNBottomActionSheet.GridView.Item title={"Facebook"} icon={facebook} />
     	<RNBottomActionSheet.GridView.Item title={"Instagram"} icon={instagram} />
  • Alert View

    • API Way
     let AlertView = RNBottomActionSheet.AlertView
     	title: "Awesome!",
     	message: "What can we improve? Your feedback is always welcome.",
     	positiveText: "OK",
     	positiveBackgroundColor: "#eeffee",
     	positiveTextColor: "#006500",
     	negativeText: "Exit",
     	negativeBackgroundColor: "#ffebeb",
     	negativeTextColor: "#760000",
     	theme: 'light',
     	onPositive: () => {
     		console.log('positive clicked')
     	onNegative: () => {
     		console.log('negative clicked')
    • React Way
     	message={"What can we improve? Your feedback is always welcome."}
     	onPositive={() => {
     		console.log("positive clicked");
     	onNegative={() => {
     		console.log("negative clicked");
     	}} />

🎨 APIs

  • Sheet View

    • Generic

      • title: string
      • items: Array<{ title: string, subTitle: string, icon?: image, value?: mixed }> - subTitle: iOS Only
      • onSelection: (index: number, value: ?mixed) => void
      • Show()
    • Android

      • titleTextColor: string
      • itemTextColor: string
      • itemTintColor: string
      • backgroundColor: string
      • delayDismissOnItemClick: bool
      • dividerItem(title: string)
    • iOS

      • theme: string
      • selection: int
  • Grid View

    • Generic

      • title: string
      • items: Array<{ title: string, icon?: image, value?: mixed }>
      • onSelection: (index: number, value: ?mixed) => void
      • Show()
    • Android

      • itemTextColor: string
      • itemTintColor: string
      • backgroundColor: string
      • delayDismissOnItemClick: bool
    • iOS

      • theme: string
  • Alert View

    • Generic

      • title string
      • message: string
      • positiveText: string
      • positiveBackgroundColor: string
      • positiveTextColor: string
      • negativeText: string
      • negativeBackgroundColor: string
      • negativeTextColor: string
      • onPositive: () => void
      • onNegative: () => void
      • Show()
    • Android

    • iOS

      • theme: string - iOS Only


	let facebook = <Icon family={'FontAwesome'} name={'facebook'} color={'#000000'} size={30} />

	<RNBottomActionSheet.GridView.Item title={"Facebook"} icon={facebook} />


  • We have added family prop for Icon class, please make sure that you pass the props
  • Custom Icons

Note: Since we are using native libraries, we have not found a solution in order to render RN Images in production, therefore please copy all your image assets in platform specific folders:

  • Android: Please copy your image assets in app resource drawable folder
  • iOS: Please copy your image assets in app resources folder

Please refer example application for the image usage.

✨ Credits

🤔 How to contribute

Have an idea? Found a bug? Please raise to ISSUES. Contributions are welcome and are greatly appreciated! Every little bit helps, and credit will always be given.

💫 Where is this library used?

If you are using this library in one of your projects, add it in this list below. ✨

📜 License

This library is provided under the Apache 2 License.

RNBottomActionSheet @ prscX

💖 Support my projects

I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).

However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:

  • Starring and sharing the projects you like 🚀

  • If you're feeling especially charitable, please follow prscX on GitHub.

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    </ Pranav >