Mikrotik RouterOS in Docker

We are not responsible if you use it for commercial purposes or if you use it in production.

How to use

mkdir mkt01
cd mkt01
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lupael/docker-mikrotik/main/docker-compose.yml -O docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d

Use image from docker hub

docker pull lupael/mikrotik
docker run  --name=mkt01 -tid -p 121:21 -p 122:22 -p 123:23 -p 150:50 -p 151:51 -p 180:80 -p 1443:443 -p 1500:500 -p 11194:1194 -p 11701:1701 -p 11723:1723 -p 14500:4500 -p 15900:5900 -p 18080:8080 -p 18291:8291 -p 18728:8728 -p 18729:8729 lupael/mikrotik:latest

Use in docker-compose.yml

Example is here.

version: "3.3"


    image: lupael/mikrotik:latest
    container_name: mkt01
    restart: always
      - "121:21"
      - "122:22"
      - "123:23"
      - "150:50"
      - "151:51"
      - "180:80"
      - "1443:443"
      - "1500:500"
      - "11194:1194"
      - "11701:1701"
      - "11723:1723"
      - "14500:4500"
      - "15900:5900"
      - "18080:8080"
      - "18291:8291"
      - "18728:8728"
      - "18729:8729"
      - "VNCPASSWORD=false"
    network_mode: bridge
    privileged: true

    image: lupael/novnc-winbox:latest
    container_name: winbox
    hostname: winbox
    restart: always
    #  - ./user-data/.wine:/home/alpine/.wine
      - "mkt01"
      - "5901:5900"
      - "18081:8080"
    network_mode: bridge

List of exposed ports

For access via VNC: 5900 Or noVNC http://localhost:18080/ And Winbox http://localhost:18081/

Default ports of RouterOS: 21, 22, 23, 80, 443, 8291, 8728, 8729

IPSec: 50, 51, 500, 4500

OpenVPN: 1194

L2TP: 1701

PPTP: 1723

noVNC Password

  • Change variable VNCPASSWORD=true
  • docker exec mkt01 cli changepassword mypassword