The name is an abbr of "Work & Rest". It's a timer app with strong expansibility for computers.
As a timer app, wnr is simple but useful. | 中文网站
Download (Windows & macOS): GitHub Release | Softpedia (Windows) | 百度网盘(swh3) | 蓝奏云高速下载(7nzh)
English README | 简体中文简介 | 正體中文簡介
The online wnr is now out: wnr-jr.
(just a demo version, may not be fully useful on phones or other devices due to a lot of reasons.)
modern design
multi-platforms support (currently Windows & macOS)
multi-languages support (you can help to contribute!)
multi-monitor support
multi-virtual-desktops support
portable software available (currently Windows)
semantic time input
work time settings
rest time settings
automatic loops
predefined tasks / defaults
clear tips for time
optional taskname and task notes
tray menu
alerts for time end
full-screen focus mode
lock mode / parent control
strict rules to prevent users from hacking
always-on-top mode
auto-start with system
auto start task
progress bar support
hi-dpi support
good touchscreen usability
dark mode support
user-friendly tourguide
user-friendly updater
infinity mode
This application is being frequently updated, so does this list.
Downloads: Releases.
Need Help: Go to Help Page or Contact Me.
I appreciate it if you can help contribute.
If you have any feature requests / bugs to report, feel free to have a issue.
If you have done something brilliant, then go for a pull request.
If you want to add a new language to wnr, see this guide first.
Please go and see the GitHub Project.
yarn # install deps
yarn start # launch the app
yarn nsis # windows nsis installer
yarn nsis-ia32 # windows nsis installer (x86)
yarn portable # windows portable
yarn win-zip # windows 7-zip
yarn mac # macos
yarn linux # linux
Linux version hasn't been tested (If you are using Linux, you can fix things up yourself and contribute).
Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Roderick Qiu and other contributors. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MPL 2.0 License.
For the full text of licenses, go see this file, which is also included in every copy of wnr.
- node-shi, my own project following MIT License.
- cmd-or-ctrl, another project of mine following MIT License.
- node-auto-launch, Teamwork, MIT License.
- compare-version, kevva, MIT License.
- electron-store, sindresorhus, MIT License.
- i18n-node, mashpie, MIT License.
- crypto-js, brix, MIT License.
- copy-to-clipboard, sudodoki, MIT License.
- request, request, Apache-2.0 License.
- winreg, fresc81, BSD 2-Clause License.
- electron, electron, MIT License.
- electron-builder, electron-userland, MIT License.
- jquery, jquery, MIT License.
- bootstrap, twbs, MIT License.
- iconfont, ALIMAMA MUX, for license go to the site.
- node-md5, pvorb, BSD-3-Clause License.
- dotenv, motdotla, BSD-2-Clause License.
- windows-release, sindresorhus, MIT License.
- leancloud-storage, leancloud, MIT License.
- electron-debug, sindresorhus, MIT License.
- vuepress, vuejs, MIT License.
- vuepress-plugin-sitemap, ekoeryanto, MIT License.
- vuepress-theme-api, sqrthree, MIT License.
- node, nodejs, License.
- NSIS, Nullsoft, zlib/libpng License.
- VS Code, microsoft, MIT License.