
an implementation of Spring JmsTemplate that generates Flight Recorder events

Primary LanguageJava

JFR JmsTemplate Maven Central Javadocs

An implementation of Spring JmsTemplate that generates Flight Recorder events.

Versions 2.x are for Jakarta EE 9+ / Spring 6, versions 1.x are for Jakarta EE 8 / Spring 5.


Flight Recording of a JUnit Test

Compared to approaches based on ConnectionFactory an approach based on JmsTemplate has the advantage that it captures a complete queue interaction. A JmsTemplate based approach generates a single JFR event for an entire message queue interaction that involves several JMS method invocations.


We try to keep overhead to a minimum and have no additional allocations besides the JFR events. Besides the overhead of the event the only additional overhead is

  • a wrapper around JmsTemplate
  • a few instanceof operations and casts
  • a finally block

We assume jakarta.jms.Queue#getQueueName() and jakarta.jms.Topic#getTopicName() are simple getters.


public class JmsConfiguration {

   private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

   public JmsOperations jmsOperations() {
     return new JfrJmsOperations(new JmsTemplate(this.connectionFactory));



  • We can not intercept JmsTemplate#setDefaultDestination(Destination) or JmsTemplate#setDefaultDestinationName(String) so for operations on the default destination we can not report the destination name.