
An example project demonstrating ML model deployment on Databricks using DBX.

Primary LanguagePython

Deploying and testing model training and inference workflows across Databricks Workspaces

This repository contains an example machine learning project implementation based on Databricks Repos and dbx. It utilizes a deploy code approach to MLOps. The dbx library's cli deployment functionality is used to deploy training and inference Jobs across Workspaces. In addition, this project contains an integration test to test the end to end training and inference workflows. This test can be run in a development Workspace before deploying training and inference jobs to a production Workspace.

The dbx library makes it easy to deploy jobs and test code using its cli tools. The .dbx folder contains information associated with Databricks CLI profiles that can be used to deploy jobs across Workspaces.

The conf/deployment.yml file within dbx projects provides a way to specify various Jobs, including multi-task jobs, with configurations that different depending on the deployment Workspaces.

The azure-pipelines.yml file was auto generated by dbx during the project's initialization (dbx init); it has not been configured to work with this project.

The project is configured to run on Azure Databricks but can be easily adjusted to run on AWS. To do so, update the node_type_id in the cluster configuration found in the conf/deployment.yml file to an AWS instance type.

See the dbx documentation and tutorials.

Prerequisites to running this project

Running the project

  • Create an empty git repository in any git server supported by Databricks.
  • Clone this project to your local machine and push a copy to your own remote git repository using the below method.
git clone https://github.com/marshackVB/ml_prod_deployment
cd ml_prod_deployment/
rm -rf .git
git init
git remote add origin https://github.com/<your_user_or_org_name>/<your_repo_name>.git
git add .
git commit -m 'initial commit'
git push origin master
  • Adjust the dbx project configuration file at .dbx/project.json to reflect your own Databricks CLI profile names.
  • Push these updates to your remote git repository.
  • Clone the repository into a Databricks Repo.
  • Run the commands below from your local terminal for remote execution in one or more Databricks Workspaces.

Creating the datasets

In your terminal, cd to this project's directory and execute the below commands. The job will be executed in the default Databricks environment, which is specified in the .dbx/project.json file. To run in another environment, add the --environment parameter and specify another environment name defined in the project.json file.

dbx deploy ml-prod-deployment-create-features --assets-only --no-package
dbx launch ml-prod-deployment-create-features --from-assets --trace

Training the model

dbx deploy ml-prod-deployment-train-model --assets-only --no-package
dbx launch ml-prod-deployment-train-model --from-assets --trace

Creating a recurring inference job

dbx deploy ml-prod-deployment-score-records --no-package
dbx launch ml-prod-deployment-score-records

The above deploy command creates a persistent job in the Databricks Jobs UI that runs on a schedule defined in the conf/deployment.yml file. Calling 'dbx launch' then starts a run of this Job, outside of its normal run schedule.

Deploying jobs across Workspaces

Deploying across Workspaces is as easy as setting the --environment parameters when calling dbx commands, such as those above.

dbx deploy --help

The different environments are specified in the .dbx/project.json file. If no environment is specified when call a cli command, the default environment is used.

Running integration tests

Integration tests are designed to test a project execution as a whole. These type of tests utilize dbx's asset-based deployment method and --trace parameter to monitor the jobs execution.

To test the model training workflow, simply run the same commands noted above.

dbx deploy ml-prod-deployment-train-model --assets-only --no-package
dbx launch ml-prod-deployment-train-model --from-assets --trace

If the Job fails for any reason, it will trigger an error in your terminal or CICD server. The failed Job run will contain a copy of the Databricks Notebook and any error messsages.

To test the model inference workflow, run the below commands

dbx deploy ml-prod-deployment-score-records-one-time --assets-only --no-package
dbx launch ml-prod-deployment-score-records-one-time --from-assets --trace

The inference workflow contains an assert statement that can optionally be triggered to test that inference results are as epxected.