
A platform for building window managers on OSX using JavaScript.

Primary LanguageSwift

AutoWin - alpha

A platform for building window managers on OSX using JavaScript.


AutoWin provides a JavaScript API for getting and manipulating the layout of windows, and monitoring the state of windows and monitors using event listeners. By design, it does not provide any built in window management features, only the tools to build a window manager on top of it.

By default it comes with a minimal demo script which binds the hotkey cmd + opt + ctrl + f to a function that fullscreens the currently focused window on the "main" monitor. You can replace this script with your own through the preferences window, accessible through the status bar icon.

This is Alpha software, so expect to encounter bugs and the occasional crash.


Download the latest release - AutoWin-1.2.zip

JavaScript API


The callback functions for events are always called with the first argument as the event name. Depending on the event, some callbacks will receive an object of data as a second argument.

aw.events.addEvent(eventName, callback)


  • eventName string - The event to listen for
  • callback function - Function that is called when the event occurs.

aw.events.removeEvent(eventName, callback)


  • eventName string - The event to remove a listener for
  • callback function - Function that was previously registered as an event listener.

Window Events

All window events provide a window object as the second argument to the event listener

  • aw.window.created
  • aw.window.destroyed
  • aw.window.focused
  • aw.window.mainWindow
  • aw.window.moved
  • aw.window.resized

Application Events

All application events provide an application object as the second argument to the event listener.

  • aw.application.launched
  • aw.application.terminated
  • aw.application.activated
  • aw.application.deactivated
  • aw.application.hidden
  • aw.application.unhidden

Monitor Events

All monitor events provide a list of monitor objects as the second argument to the event listener.

  • aw.monitors.layoutChange


A window is defined as an object with two keys, pid, and id, where pid is the process that owns the window, and id is the window id. When interacting with a specific window you will need to provide both the pid and the id.


Returns A list of window objects


Returns The window object of the window that currently has focus, or null if no window has focus.

aw.window.close(pid, id)

Closes the window specified by the proccess id and window id.


  • pid int - The process ID of the window to close.
  • id int - The window id to close.

Returns A boolean indicating the success or failure of the operation.

aw.window.becomeMain(pid, id)

Makes the window the "main" window for the application it belongs to. If the application is already the frontmost application, this is the same as focusing the window. If the application is not, it brings the window forward in the window "stack".

To focus a window in the traditional sense, you would tell it to become main, and then tell its application to become "active".


  • pid int - The process ID of the window to become main.
  • id int - The window id to become main.

Returns A boolean indicating the success or failure of the operation.

aw.window.getFrame(pid, id)

Returns the frame of the window as an object with keys x, y, width, and height, whose values are ints.

The x and y coordinates are relative to the main monitor, which is the one specified by the white bar at the top when viewing the monitor layout in System Preferences.


  • pid int - The process ID of the window to get the frame for.
  • id int - The window id to get the frame for.

Returns The window frame as an object.

aw.window.setFrame(pid, id, frame)

Sets the frame of the specified window. It does not make any guarantees that the resulting size and position of the window will match the specified frame, as the application that owns the window may have specified visual constraints that do not match the desired frame.


  • pid int - The process ID of the window to set the frame for.
  • id int - The window id to set the frame for.
  • frame object
    • x int - x coordinate relative to the top left of the main monitor
    • y int - y coordinate relative to the top left of the main monitor
    • width int - desired width of the window
    • height int - desired height of the window

Returns Boolean indicating the success of the operation.



Returns A list of applications objects, which have a single key pid.


Makes the application the active application.


  • pid int - The process id of the application to activate.


Monitors are represented by an object with keys id and frame frame (the same structure as a window frame).


Returns Returns a list of monitor objects.


  • Hotkey Modifiers - cmd, ctrl, opt, shift

aw.hotkeys.add(key, modifiers, callback)

Adds a function as a callback for a combination of modifer keys and a single key. The callback fn should accept three arguments:

  • down boolean - True if triggered on keydown, false otherwise. For now this is always true.
  • key string - The key the hotkey was registered with.
  • modifiers array<string> - The array of modifiers the hotkey was registered with.


  • key string - The key to add the hotkey for.
  • modifiers array<string> - An array of hotkey modifiers.
  • callback function(down, key, modifiers) - The function that is called when the hotkey is triggered.

aw.hotkeys.remove(key, modifiers, callback)

Removes a previously registered hotkey


  • key string - The key to the hotkey was added for.
  • modifiers array<string> - The array of modifiers the hotkey was added with.
  • callback function(down, key, modifiers) - The function the hotkey was added with.