Bulk Export and Delete Data Using the Zendesk API

This project includes the following Zendesk scripts:

Zendesk Support:

  • ticket_delete.js
  • ticket_export_incremental.js
  • ticket_search.js
  • ticket_subject.js
  • user_delete.js
  • user_search.js

Zendesk Guide:

  • posts_export.js
  • posts_patch.js


To run the scripts use the following commands.

Command Description
node ticket_delete.js soft-delete {Ticket IDs} Soft delete tickets in bulk. Ticket IDs is a comma separated list.
node ticket_delete.js restore {Ticket IDs} Restore tickets in bulk. Ticket IDs is a comma separated list.
node ticket_delete.js permanently-delete {Ticket IDs} Permanently delete tickets in bulk. Ticket IDs is a comma separated list.
node ticket_search.js Searches for ticket IDs needed to run ticket_delete.js
node ticket_export.js Exports tickets in bulk