
An install script for oldsu! (a private 2008 oldschool osu! server) based on mrniceguy127's script to install stable.

Primary LanguageShell


An oldsu-wine installer, based on mrniceguy127's installer for regular osu! This one basically just goes through the steps listed here with the exception of the optional Japanese fonts fix. Also MASSIVE thanks to sech1p for their immense contributions and optimazations. <#


  1. Install wine and winetricks. This has been tested with wine-staging 5.22 at the time of writing. Newer versions should also work fine but mileage may vary.
  2. git clone https://github.com/marshallracer/oldsu-linux
  3. cd oldsu-linux
  4. ./install-oldsu (linux only: or ./install-oldsu --no-root if you want use the noroot version of oldsu installer script) Keep in mind that because of the necessary dependencies installed through winetricks it WILL take a while to install everything.
  5. Launch oldsu. You can either type oldsu in the command line, or if you like GUI's, you can just search "oldsu" in whatever application launcher you might have. Use the command oldsukill to force kill oldsu. If you have macOS - you will find oldsu! in Launchpad.

should you use the noroot script keep in mind to add the new folder to your $PATH (e.g. nano $HOME/.bashrc): export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH

You can also specifiy your own WINEPREFIX, WINESERVER, WINE and WINETRICKS in your environment. Defaults are used otherwise of course. e.g. WINEPREFIX="..." WINE="..." WINESERVER="..." ./install-oldsu

Discord Rich Presence

Check here.

Thanks to jvyden for their code which includes discordrpc during the install. It should launch automatically when starting oldsu! via terminal or through your application launcher.

File listing

  • Default WINEPREFIX: ~/Games/oldsu-wine
  • oldsu! folder shortcut: ~/Games/oldsu
  • oldsu! launch script: /usr/bin/oldsu (root) or ~/.local/bin/oldsu (no-root) or /Applications/oldsu\!.app/Contents/MacOS/oldsu (macOS)
  • oldsu! kill script: /usr/bin/oldsukill (root) or ~/.local/bin/oldsukill (no-root)
  • oldsu! desktop file: ~/.local/share/applications/oldsu!.desktop
  • oldsu! logo file: ~/.local/share/icons/oldsulogo.png

Installation Troubleshooting

(this should hopefully not happen anymore but stays in case your install may hang anyway)

Running /usr/bin/wineserver -w. This will hang until all wine processes in prefix=/home/user/oldsu-wine terminate

Winetricks sometimes gets stuck during some parts of the install of .NET. Whenever it gets stuck just type the following command in a seperate terminal: WINEPREFIX="$HOME/Games/oldsu-wine" wineserver -k.