
CanJS and jQuerypp making sweet UI love

Primary LanguageJavaScript

@page canui CanUI @parent index 4

CanUI is a BETA UI library for CanJS and jQuery. It's designed to be lightweight, with limited options, but flexible enough to be extended and mixed for richness.

Here's what's inside:

  • [jQuery.fn.can_ui_layout_wrap Wrap] - Wrap elements
  • [jQuery.fn.can_ui_layout_fill Fill] - makes complex layouts easy.
  • [can.ui.nav.Accordion Accordion] - an accordion widget.
  • [can.ui.layout.Sortable Sortable] - sort elements.
  • [can.ui.nav.Slider Slider] - a slider
  • [can.ui.layout.Bgiframe Bgiframe] - adds a background iframe to stop IE's input element 'bleed' problem.
  • [can.ui.layout.Positionable Positionable] - Allows you to position an element relative to another element.
  • [can.ui.layout.Split Split] - a splitter widget
  • [can.ui.layout.Block Block] - makes an element fill up another element or window.
  • [can.ui.layout.Resize Resize] - allows resizing of widgets
  • [can.ui.layout.TableScroll TableScroll] - makes a tbody scroll.
  • [can.ui.layout.Modal Modal] - creates a modal
  • [can.ui.nav.Selectable Selectable] - keyboard and mouse navigation.


The following shows almost all of the above controls in action:

@demo canui/demo.html


If you are using github, you can simply add mxui as a submodule the same way you added steal, jquerymx, etc. Simply fork and clone [https://github.com/jupiterjs/mxui https://github.com/jupiterjs/mxui].

You can also install Mxui from the command line. Run:

./js steal/getjs mxui

If you only want part of MXUI, you can install that like:

./js steal/getjs mxui/layout/fill

In Progress

We also have the following widgets which we are working on:

  • Grid - a basic grid
  • Tree - a basic tree
  • Combobox - a rich combobox