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feathers-pinia-api server for feathers-pinia 🍍

NPM version



This is the example Feathers backend server for most Feathers-Pinia examples used in the documentation. It is setup to provide a client bundle of typescript for use on your client.

  • 🕊 Feathers is an open source framework for building APIs and real-time applications.
  • 🍍 Pinia is an App state management framework by Vue
  • 🦜 Feathers-Pinia is a project that seamlessly connects the best of Feathers and Pinia
  • ⚡ Vite is a DX focused build tool with great support for Vue, HMR and TypeScript

Getting Started

  1. Make sure you have NodeJS and npm installed.

  2. Install your dependencies

    cd path/to/feathers-pinia-nuxt3-api
    npm install
  3. Set up a MongoDB

☁ Using MongoDB Atlas (free SaaS DB service)
  1. Follow the instructions on how to setup a DB https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/tutorial/deploy-free-tier-cluster/
  2. Copy the NodeJS driver URL
  3. Paste in the mongodb key of config/default.json replacing "mongodb": "mongodb://", in the process.
    • Where xxx is the name of the database.
    • A database name in your URI is required.
🏠 Using a locally installed MongoDB community edition server
a. Download the community edition: https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/community  
b. Set up the data storage folder:

  mkdir C:\data
  mkdir C:\data\db
  MacOS / Linux
  mkdir -p /data/db
  sudo chown -R `id -un` /data/db
c. Start MongoDB
  1. Start your app 🧑‍🚀

    npm run compile # Compile TypeScript source
    npm start


Run npm test and all your tests in the test/ directory will be run.


This app comes with a powerful command line interface for Feathers. Here are a few things it can do:

$ npx feathers help                           # Show all commands
$ npx feathers generate service               # Generate a new Service


For more information on all the things you can do with Feathers visit docs.feathersjs.com.