
This is an example repository which demonstrates a problem I have when using the @opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws-sdk

It's not clear to me whether the problem is in my code or in the opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws-sdk?

Problem Statement

When calling ReceiveMessage multiple times in the same process, the auto instrumentation libary adds new MessageAttribute each time calling ReceiveMessage. These attributes do not seem to be cleaned up and build up over time.

Eventually, the request body is so large (>256KB) that AWS rejects the receiveMessages call with 413 REQUEST ENTITY TOO LARGE.

Suspected problem area

I noticed that @opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws-sdk has some protections against overflowing the MessageAttributes based on the [MAX_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES]) constant.

if (
    Object.keys(attributes).length + propagation.fields().length <=
  ) {
    propagation.inject(, attributes, contextSetter);
  } else {
      'aws-sdk instrumentation: cannot set context propagation on SQS/SNS message due to maximum amount of MessageAttributes'

However, this code block only executes on SendMessage and SendMessagesBatch calls.

Potential fixes

  1. Most likely I am doing something dumb in my code, probably related to not setting a new tracing context for every trip through my while loop.
  2. Alternately, we might want to patch @opentelemetry-instrumentation-aws-sdk so that MAX_MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTES protections apply to ReceiveMessages also.

Supporting CLI output

(this output has been slightly edited for clarity)

$ node index.js
writing tracing data to NoopSpanProcessor

HTTP BODY DEBUG LOG ------> Action=ReceiveMessage&AttributeName.1=SentTimestamp&MaxNumberOfMessages=1&MessageAttributeName.1=All&
pick 73a4048 yarn add @opentelemetry/auto-instrumentations-node
Tracing initialized

HTTP BODY DEBUG LOG ------> Action=ReceiveMessage&AttributeName.1=SentTimestamp&MaxNumberOfMessages=1&MessageAttributeName.1=All&MessageAttributeName.2=traceparent&MessageAttributeName.3=tracestate&MessageAttributeName.4=baggage&

HTTP BODY DEBUG LOG ------> Action=ReceiveMessage&AttributeName.1=SentTimestamp&MaxNumberOfMessages=1&MessageAttributeName.1=All&MessageAttributeName.2=traceparent&MessageAttributeName.3=tracestate&MessageAttributeName.4=baggage&MessageAttributeName.5=traceparent&MessageAttributeName.6=tracestate&MessageAttributeName.7=baggage&