
Build Status

  1. Project Goals
  2. Example
  3. Capabilities
  4. Installation
  5. Calibration
  6. On-site Setup

Project Goals

Create an light show based on the movements of participants, with data gathered by a Microsoft Kinect. See the Ball of Light


Yeah, yeah. Just show me the code.

Here's a simple script that connects to the DMX controller, centers and turns on the lights, and then cycles through the colors every 5 seconds.

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'bundler'

# setup controller
controller =

# Section Goal: Point toward the center for 30 seconds.

# This command turns the all of the lights on

# alternatively, you could turn the lights on "the hard way" by sending
# queueing up the command buffer with a 0-255 integer to the dimmer
# control. And then using the write! method to flush the buffer.
#      controller.buffer(:dimmer => 255)
#      controller.write!

# methods called without the exclamation point only write to the buffer.
# with the exclamation point, your commands will get sent to the DMX
# controller immediately.

# Now let's turn all of the lights to the center point.

# Hmmm. We're not sure what color wheel location someone previously left
# on the lights, so let's be careful and switch it back to white.
controller.nocolor # this sends the named point instantly
controller.write! # this sends whatever is in the buffer

# Now the fun part. Let's set up a little loop and run through all the
# colors with a half second delay in between.

[:yellow, :red, :green, :blue, :teardrop, :polka, :teal, :rings].each do |color|
  controller.instant!(:point => color)

# what else can it do?
# show me a list all of the capabilities of the hooked up devices
puts controller.capabilities
# => [:pan, :tilt, :strobe, :gobo, :dimmer]
# these are the basic commands that we can send to the DmxController or the
# DmxDevices it holds

# show me a list all of the named points of the hooked up devices
puts controller.points
# => [:center, :strobe_blackout, :strobe_open, :strobe_slow, :strobe_fast, :strobe_slow_fast, :strobe_fast_slow, :strobe_random, :nocolor, :yellow, :red, :green, :blue, :teardrop, :polka, :teal, :rings, :on, :off]
# "points" are like little macros that are composed of one or more of the
# basic capabilities.

# For example, :center is the same as {:pan => 127, :tilt => 127}