I need your feedback #31
This is an attempt to create an analogue of MSI Dragon Center for OS GNU/Linux. I am not a designer, so do not expect much.
The application is divided into two parts. Server and client. The server part must work with root privileges to read/write to the file. The server part only reads the data from the file. The client part works like a regular application. Communication takes place using the dbus interface.
I am testing on Ubuntu 20.04
- C++17 compiler
- Qt, I am using 5.15.1
- Toml++
- Magic Enum C++
- GoogleTest
- CMake
modprobe ec_sys write_support=1
git clone https://github.com/marshevms/mlfc.git
cd mlfc
mkdir build
cd build
cmake cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
The client and server folders should appear in the build folder; they contain binary files. The name begins with mlfc_ [client | server]. Next, you need files from the dbus folder.
In com.github.mlfc.server.service should contain the path to the server.
Move files:
- com.github.mlfc.server.service - /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services
- com.github.mlfc.server.conf, com.github.mlfc.client.conf - /etc/dbus-1/system.d
https://github.com/YoyPa/isw - for the documentation