
Translates stdin by replacing any word with a forbidden character with a synonym of that word (Python3)

Primary LanguagePython


Translates stdin by replacing any word with a forbidden character with a synonym of that word


  • Create the virtual environment python3 -m venv myvenv
  • Activate the virtual environment source <env_name>/bin/activate or <env_name>\scripts\activate.bat
  • Install the requirements pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Download the nltk data
> python3
>>> import nltk
>>> nltk.download()
  • Download wordnet under Copora and punkt under Models


foodbox.py takes a list of forbidden characters as the first command line argument and replaces from stdin any words that have a characters specified in the forbidden characters list and with a synonym that doesn't use that character.

In this example, all the words with the letter 'e' in them have been replaced:

> echo 'Hello, world! This is some text.' | python foodbox.py e
'Hullo, world! This is part of wording.'