
Javascript to draw a round Go board

Primary LanguageJavaScript

<div id="#goban"></div>
var goban = RoundGoban('#goban');

Round Goban

I was asked by a friend to adapt this into a piece of art to hang on a wall, so there are now some options for playing about with.

var size = 9;
var outer = function(from, to) {
    return from <= size && to < size;
var inner = function(from, to) {
    return from >= size*(size-1) && to >= size*(size-1);
var spiral = function(from, to, mod, s) {
    return (from % size) % mod == s && to == from+size;
var goban = RoundGoban('#goban', {
    labels: false,
    outerCircle: true,
    lineWidthMultiplier: function(from, to) {
        if(outer(from, to)) {
            return 3;
        } else if(inner(from, to)) {
            return 2;
        } else {
            return 1;
    strokeStyle: function(from, to) {
        if(outer(from, to)) {
            return '#BBBBBB';
        } else if(inner(from, to)) {
            return '#BBBBBB';
        } else if(spiral(from, to, 3, 0)) {
            return '#555555';
        } else if(spiral(from, to, 3, 1)) {
            return '#AA0000';
        } else if(spiral(from, to, 3, 2)) {
            return '#FF0000';
        } else {
            return '#BBBBBB';

Round Goban