
Fork of Raspcontrol by Bioshox

Primary LanguagePHP


Raspcontrol is a web control centre written in PHP for Raspberry Pi.

This is a Fork of the orignal Raspcontrol by Bioshox - It appears the repo is no longer available...


You need a web server installed on your Raspberry Pi.

If you are in a hurry, just clone the repository with:

git clone https://github.com/harmon25/raspcontrol.git

And create the json authentifation file /etc/raspcontrol/database.aptmnt with 740 rights and owned by www-data:

   "user":       "yourName",
   "password":   "yourPassword"

Optional configuration

In order to have some beautiful URLs, you can enable URL Rewriting.
Note: It's not necessary to enable URL Rewriting to use Raspcontrol.