
Hardware go brrr bounded context suffix array construction algorithm

Primary LanguageRust


Hardware go brrr bounded context suffix array construction algorithm.


Results for T2T-CHM13+Y (complete human genome sequence, 3.1 billion base pairs) on AWS c7i.8xlarge (32 vCPUs, 64GB memory):

  • 4 threads, 250bp context: 143s, 18.6GB
  • 8 threads, 250bp context: 76s, 18.6GB
  • 16 threads, 250bp context: 43s, 18.6GB
  • 32 threads, 250bp context: 43s, 18.7GB
  • 32 threads, 1000bp context: 44s, 18.7GB

Third-party libraries for full suffix array construction:

  • libdivsufsort (64-bit, 1 thread): 418s, 26.7GB
  • libsais (64-bit, 16 threads): 55s, 26.7GB
  • libsais (64-bit, 32 threads): 58s, 26.7GB

The performance does not improve past 16 threads probably because there are only 16 physical cores with 32 vCPUs.

The peak memory usage of simple-saca is barely larger than the space needed to simply store the genome and the suffix array.

Note that 10-mer buckets are used, and the largest bucket has around 3 million suffixes. This is the largest bucket that that will be sorted with comparison-based sorting.


I was curious how fast bounded context suffix array sorting can be optimized by using a naive sorting approach, but making full use of CPU parallelism.

Since this algorithm uses bucketing and comparison-based sorting, it should be easily adaptable to non-standard suffix array use cases (eg., spaced seeds) by using different functions for extracting a "kmer" for bucketing and comparing two suffixes.

Algorithm overview

Note that this algorithm does not output fully sorted suffixes. Each suffix is sorted up to a fixed number of base pairs (the "context"). This is useful for many genomics seeding methods.

  1. Convert genome to 2-bit representation, in reverse to make later lexicographic comparisons easier.
  2. Get the first k base pairs (kmer) for each suffix and count them separately in parallel. The idea is to bucket suffixes by its kmer.
  3. Prefix sum the counts to get bucket boundaries for each kmer.
  4. Place suffixes into kmer buckets in parallel.
  5. Sort each bucket separately in parallel by using the comparison-based sort from Rust's standard library. Suffixes are compared lexicographically up to the bounded context length by using AVX2 SIMD.

Suffix indexes and kmer counts are stored using 40-bit integers to save space.


  1. Clone this repo and install Rust.
  2. Make sure you are running this on x86 CPUs supporting AVX2.
  3. cargo run --release -- genome.fasta.gz

Use the third_party feature flag to enable benchmarking other suffix array construction libraries:

cargo run --release --features third_party -- genome.fasta.gz --algo sais

The binary only benchmarks the suffix array construction algorithm, but you can use this crate as a library.

Use --help to see all options. You can adjust the number of threads and bounded context length.