Discord Music Bot

This repository contains the code for a Discord music bot using discord.py, wavelink,Lavalink and other libraries. The bot provides various functionalities like playing music, managing playlists, and customizing playback.


  • Play music from various sources like YouTube and SoundCloud.
  • Control playback with commands like play, pause, skip, and volume adjustment.
  • Advanced music features like nightcore mode and custom pitch/speed control.
  • Ability to handle slash commands for an interactive experience.


  1. Clone the repository.

  2. Install dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Set up a .env file with your Discord bot token and other necessary variables.

  4. Setup application.yml

  5. Get Lavalink server : lavalink.jar


  • Edit the .env file to include your bot's token and other required API keys.
  • Configure the command prefix and intents in the bot's initialization.
TOKEN = "<Discord apikey>"

HOST="<Application IP>"


Edit the Application.yml file

server: # REST and WS server
  port: 2333 # same as in .env
  address: # same as in .env
    banner-mode: log
    password: "youshallnotpass"
      youtube: true
      bandcamp: true
      soundcloud: true
      twitch: true
      vimeo: true
      mixer: true
      http: true
      local: false
    bufferDurationMs: 400
    youtubePlaylistLoadLimit: 6 # Number of pages at 100 each
    youtubeSearchEnabled: true
    soundcloudSearchEnabled: true
    gc-warnings: true

    enabled: false
    endpoint: /metrics

  dsn: ""
#  tags:
#    some_key: some_value
#    another_key: another_value

    max-history: 30
    max-size: 1GB
  path: ./logs/

    root: INFO
    lavalink: INFO

Get the Lavalink server

you can get the server from the following link: https://github.com/lavalink-devs/Lavalink/releases

you will just need the Lavalink.jar file

Running the Bot

Run the bot using:

python main.py

and start up the lvalink server:

java -jar Lavalink.jar

Java (Optinal)

you might run into some issues with the java version. I am currently running this, with an ubuntu server and Java 17

Installing Java 17 on Ubuntu

Open a Terminal

You can do this by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard.

Update Package Index

sudo apt update

Install Java 17

You can install the OpenJDK version of Java 17, which is the open-source variant of the JDK.

sudo apt install openjdk-17-jdk

Verify Installation

After installation, you can verify the Java version with:

java -version

This command should show Java 17 in the output.

Set Java 17 as Default (if necessary)

If you have multiple Java versions installed and want to set Java 17 as default, use:

sudo update-alternatives --config java

A selection list of installed Java versions will appear. Enter the number corresponding to Java 17 to set it as default.


Regular Commands

  • ?sync: Synchronize bot commands.
  • ?skip: Skip the current song.
  • ?nightcore: Activate nightcore mode.
  • ?defaultfilters: Reset filters to default.
  • ?toggle: Toggle between pause and play.
  • ?volume [value]: Adjust the playback volume.
  • ?disconnect: Disconnect the bot from the voice channel.

Slash Commands

  • /test: Test command.
  • /toggle_music: Toggle music playback.
  • /sound_controls: Adjust pitch, speed, and rate.
  • /nightcore: Set to nightcore mode.
  • /sync: Synchronize new commands.
  • /disconnect: Disconnect the bot.
  • /skip: Skip the current song.
  • /np: Show now playing song.
  • /play: Play a song from a given query.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


  • Thanks to the discord.py community for support and resources.
  • Special thanks to the wavelink library.
  • A big thanks to the creators of Lavalink.