
An up-to-date PulseAudio build for Windows with an installer, service, socket support, bug fixes, and new features.

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT


An up-to-date PulseAudio build for Windows with an installer, service, and other improvements.


  • Various fixes and improvements.
  • Standalone.
  • Optional installer.
  • Can run as a Windows Service.
  • Working pactl/pacat.
  • Working modules.
  • Working auto-connection to user and system instances.
  • Working unix sockets for both user and system instances on Windows 10.
  • HTML documentation.
  • Works on Windows 7 and later.

On Progress to distribute 64bit


  • There are still some hard-coded paths which don't automatically relocate to the installation directory. This mainly affects the documentation.
  • Locale files aren't currently included.


mkdir -p ./build &&
docker build --tag pulseaudio-win32 --build-arg "PAW32_VERSION=$(echo "$(git describe --always --tags --dirty || echo unknown)" | sed -e "s/^v//g")" ./src &&
docker save pulseaudio-win32 |
tar -xOf - --wildcards '*/layer.tar' |
tar -xvf - -C ./build


See the website.


While this repository is licensed under the MIT license, the icon and build output is licensed under the LGPL like PulseAudio itself (the PulseAudio build isn't linked to GPL libraries).