
Using of Spring Boot + Spring Security for authentication + Websocket + Angular2

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Please, take into account that this project was developed in 2016, so the versions used and the procedure to address this may be obsolete


This is a small web demo using Spring Boot + Spring Security for authentication + Websocket + Angular2, I'm using it for playing and learning how Angular2 works (I'm importing Angular2 from a CND at index.html).

So far, there's a authentication process made with Spring Security and a Websocket that returns a counter each 5 seconds and prints it in the user's private area.

Getting Started


You only need:

* Java 1.8
* Maven

Running it!

  • Run ServerRunner for set up the Endpoint
  • Access to: http://localhost:9090/ and sign in with user/1234, you can access to the user's private area and see the websocket counter