Screenshot 2023-02-10 at 20 12 08

Project description:

Website to clone: []

You’ll be building a website for a fictional web design company. This includes a few pages:

  • A "Home" page,
  • A “Project” page,
  • A "Contact" page with a form.

Some of the challenges you’ll have to complete will be the following:

  • Adding navigation between the pages.
  • Making all the fields in the contact form required before being able to submit it.

Technical Requirements:

  • Your website should be rendered in a browser.
  • Include separate HTML / CSS / JavaScript files.
  • Have a repo on GitHub.
  • Have at least 1 commit per day that you worked on it.
  • Be deployed online using Vercel so that anybody can access it.
  • Stick with KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) and DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principles. In summary, for this project, you’ll have to recreate a pre-existing design using your HTML & CSS skills. You’ll also have to create a few interactions with the DOM, using what you’ve learned about JavaScript so far.


  • The URL of the GitHub repository for your project.
  • The URL of the live website on the Internet.
  • The URL of the slides for your project presentation.
  • You must present your project during Mid-term final presentations.

Project assets:

For this project, you’ll have access to the following assets: A Figma design that you will have to turn into a live, responsive website. This design also includes a few specifications regarding fonts and colors A folder with all the images you will need for this project.

🤹‍♀️ Project Journal:

Day 1 - 21 Nov. => Create Project Repository and files ✔️

Day 2 - 22 Nov. => HTML & CSS Home Page Structure => Header - Main - Logo Section - Projects Section - Client Section ✔️

Day 3 - 23 Nov. => Home Page => Html & Css Finished ✔️ Project Page => Html & Css Finished ✔️

Day 4 - 24 Nov. => ContactUs Page => Html & Css Finished ✔️

Day 5 - 25 Nov. => Javascript ✔️ - Final Presentation ✔️