
:calendar: A YES/NO app to show the answer to: Was There An NHL Game Yesterday ?

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



GitHub Action Code style: black Twitter

Print YES or NO!


endpoint function format example admin
/$DATE/$TEAM YES/NO HTML* 20171022/RedWings
/$TEAM/$DATE YES/NO HTML* RedWings/20171111
/get_schedule Print Schedule JSON
/version Print Schedule Update Time JSON/ISODATE { "version": "2018-01-27T08:57:00.372800" }
/menu Present user with a clickable menu HTML menu
/update_schedule Update Schedule 202 on changed Y

* If you use Curl, Wget or Python-Urllib then all you get is YES or NO


case insensitive:

What do these mean?

  • Not choosing anything just tells you if there was a game yesterday
  • Choosing a team means you only get YES if that team played yesterday.
  • Choosing a date means you only get YES if there is a game on that date.
  • Choosing a team and a date you only get YES if the chosen team plays/played on that date.
  • Choosing a team incorrectly and a date correctly you only get YES if there was/is a game on that date
  • Choosing a team correctly and a date incorrectly you get a big NO

There's also:


  • Persistent team selection using HTML5 Web Storage. If you choose a team in the menu and you later revisit https://wtangy.se (from the same browser) you'll see the result for that team.
  • This works with the new new NHL.com website (2023-)


So I(author) live in a timezone where the NHL games are often over at 5am in the morning, sometimes they start then. I tend to watch replays. I'm not always sure if there was a game yesterday. Schedules online often have the results, news or "yes, also it went to overtime" to spoil the game.

It would be really nice if I could just browse to $URL/team and it would tell me if my team played yesterday or during Stanley Cup (or regular season) $URL would be enough to just tell me if there was a game at all.

Now there is! :)

How to update the schedule inside the scripts?

The schedule used by this web site is stored in the backend.

As an admin you can update it manually or configure a cronjob. It will send an e-mail with schedule changes outside playoffs.

What about regular season and playoffs?

It also worked for 2020-21 playoffs :)

Currently the script doesn't differentiate between playoffs and regular seasons.

It just takes the dates from NHL.com's API. There are more arguments to this API that I have not found any official documentation for. There is however https://gitlab.com/dword4/nhlapi/-/blob/master/new-api.md great resource by dword4.

TODO / Known issues

  • Choosing background color - would be sweet if it could do HTML5 so users can choose themselves too like in https://www.w3schools.com/colors/colors_picker.asp
  • games include preseason - if this is a problem let me know!
  • add a calendar selection too near the menu?
  • dynamically generate a sitemap.xml
    • And/Or fail build if the one we have is out of date
  • improve testing
    • update schedule_testing and then verify it / validate json
    • performance testing
    • lint javascript,css,html
    • lint python #16
  • Use Google KMS For Encrypting Secrets
    • Twitter Keys are stored in a private bucket


gcloud - reminders for myself.

Forked from https://github.com/amanjeev/isitfridaythe13th because it had the google appspot already in it and python :) Thanks! In 2022 this fork was extracted/detached because the upstream Friday 13 had been archived and because one couldn't change pull requests to by default target the wtangy repo.

wasthereannhlgamelastnight(..) has been re-written a few times - it's no longer even close to the isitfridaythe13th, for example:

  • it now uses webapp2 for example instead of python print to stdout.
  • it used to have a manual NHL_schedule.py with a set and a list, now it reads and writes to gcloud object store!
  • used to be python2 and webapp2 on GAE, in 2022 it's python3 and Flask on GAE!