- 2
Special letters are not supported
#29 opened - 8
Fulltext search minor issue
#27 opened - 1
- 2
Various left-right arrow key glitches
#22 opened - 2
Full-text support
#18 opened - 1
Compatibility mode with Quick reference?
#17 opened - 3
Console error (only sometimes)
#16 opened - 8
Continue support?
#15 opened - 3
- 4
- 0
- 1
- 1
- 1
Automention Support in DVZ Shoutbox?
#8 opened - 2
Minlength 2 instead of 3
#7 opened - 0
texte axn.m3u8
#6 opened - 1
- 1
- 1
Show avatars next to the username
#3 opened - 1
Does not link to username.
#2 opened