
AppLog is a custom Android logger.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


AppLog is a simple Android logger that gives you a detailed output and more log options.

How it works

AppLog works as a wrapper around android.util.Log and allows detailed logging by traversing through the Stack and printing class/method/linenumber, nicer output with String.format support, more loggable types by using Object.toString and the possibility to mute logging with setMute.



Just import and call AppLog, it will resolve method and class invoking the trace and accept primary types by invoking Object.toString

import se.marteinn.utils.AppLog;

AppLog.i("Hello World"); 	// output: Hello World (method:99)
AppLog.i(3.14159265359):	// output: 3.14159265359 (method:99)
AppLog.i(1.5); 				// output: 1.5 	(method:99)
AppLog.i(true); 			// output: true	(method:99)
AppLog.i(1);  				// output: 1	(method:99)

You can also supply a tag variable, as you would with regular logging.

AppLog.i(TAG, "Hello World"); 	// output: Hello World

It is also possible to log with String.format syntax using LogFormat.

import se.marteinn.utils.AppLog;
import se.marteinn.utils.LogFormat;

AppLog.i(new LogFormat("name=%s"), "martin");					// output: name=martin
AppLog.i(new LogFormat("name=%s, month=%d"), "martin", 1);		// output: name=martin, month=1
AppLog.i(new LogFormat("date=%tD"), new Date());				// output: date=05/18/14

You can also disable logging:

AppLog.i(TAG, 1);				// output: .... *crickets.

Or remove namespace from class when using class resolve.

AppLog.i(1);				// se.marteinn.YourClass	1 (method:99)

AppLog.i(1);				// YourClass				1 (method:99)



You can import AppLog with Gradle through maven:

dependencies {
	compile 'se.marteinn.utils.logging:applog:2.1.2'


Download applog.aar and move it to your libs folder, then make sure you got libs specified as a flatDir in gradle.config

repositories {
    flatDir {
        dirs 'libs'

After that just include it as any other dependency.

dependencies {
	compile 'se.marteinn.utils.logging:applog:2.1.2@aar'

Or you could just use the applog.jar, move it to libs and include it with files().

dependencies {
	compile files('libs/applog.jar')


Want to contribute? Awesome. Just send a pull request.

This project is setup as a Android Library for Android Studio. Use gradlew to build.


Android-AppLog is released under the MIT License.