
Example implementations on how to use React in Django with Server Side Rendering

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Django React Polls with Hypernova examples

This repo contains a couple of examples on how you implement a fully React-rendered frontend in Django using Hypernova and Create React App.

Examples provided:

In this example we use Hypernova as normal on the backend but with a manual ReactDOM.hydrate on the client side (based on the DRTT component render queue).


  • Will still work if the Hypernova service is unreachable
  • A more resiliant solution


  • We dont take fully adventage of hypernova-react by providing our own hydration
  • Props are stored in several places, both in the rendered html and in the component render queue in DRTT
  • We need to target the Hypernova provided placeholder when we hydrate, instead of the DRTT provided placeholder

In this example we take fully advantage of Hypernova, where we use the Hypernova HOC renderReact to initialize components on the frontend.


  • Does not require react_print to initialize the components, since we already export them wrapped in renderReact HOC they will be automatically initialized
  • We only use the placeholder div provided by Hypernova and skip the DRTT provided one (by adding no_placeholder in the react_render template tag)
  • A arguably cleaner solution


  • If the SSR service is unreachable the components wont work