
This exercise is designed for you to practice chaining Promises together to manage asynchronous database calls and pass information to the view.

All code in the views has been set up for you. You only need to write code in each associated route.


  • Be able to use Knex built in query functions instead of raw SQL
  • Be able to chain promises using .then
  • Be able to make multiple asynchronous database calls using Promise.all
  • Be able to pass a higher order function to Promise.all
  • Be able to extract complex database calls into smaller, well organized functions

Set Up

npm install
createdb galvanize_reads_development
knex migrate:latest
knex seed:run
touch .env


Work through the following routes one by one and in this order.



  1. In authors.js, find the GET route for /:id
  2. Implement Promises using the pseudo code as a guide


  1. In authors.js, find the GET route for /:id/edit
  2. Implement Promises using the pseudo code as a guide

#3 ALL

  1. In authors.js find the GET route for /
  2. Implement Promises using the pseudo code as a guide


  1. Inside lib/helpers.js find the getAuthorBooks function.
  2. Refactor your routes so that the heavy lifting is done in this function.
  3. Inside your routes, call your helper function to get the job done.

Books (rinse and repeat)

Don't just copy the code from authors.js to get this done. Challenge yourself to think through each route again and be able to make the necessary database calls and pass the informtion to the view.


  1. In books.js, find the GET route for /:id
  2. Use authors.js as a reference if you need help and check the template if you don't know what variables you need to pass to locals.


  1. In books.js, find the GET route for /:id/edit
  2. Use authors.js as a reference if you need help and check the template if you don't know what variables you need to pass to locals.

#3 ALL

  1. In books.js find the GET route for /
  2. Use authors.js as a reference if you need help and check the template if you don't know what variables you need to pass to locals.


  1. If you haven't done so already, refactor your routes so that the heavy lifting is done in lib/helpers


  1. See if you can refactor the other routes in books.js and authors.js and clean things up a little.
  • Extract validations in books.js into a function
  • Remove the database functions at the top of authors.js and books.js and use only functions from queries.js to make database calls.