Guide to adding a piece of work to this website

  1. upload any images you have to the pics folder
  2. copy the contents of sample.html into a new file
  3. replace YOUR WORK TITLE in two places with the title of your work
  4. replace YOUR_PICTURE1.jpg with the actual name of the image you want to show. if you want to use more than 1 picture you can add another line that looks like the sample
  5. save your file under PROJECTNAME.html (replace projectname with a name of your project without spaces)
  6. open index.html and add this code directly above the line that says </projects> (not the line that says <projects>):
  <a href="PROJECTNAME.html">
    <img src="pics/YOUR_PICTURE.jpg"/>

Again, replace PROJECTNAME, YOUR_PICTURE, AND YOUR WORK TITLE with the appropriate names.

  1. save your changes in index.html and then open the folder js and open the file addmenu.js. Edit the line that looks like this:
var projectlinks = ['wordblocks','domesticinstallations']

by adding 'PROJECTNAME' (replace PROJECTNAME with the name of the file you added for this project). After you add it, the line should look like this:

var projectlinks = ['wordblocks','domesticinstallations','YOURPROJECTNAME']
  1. now, do this again with the next line, but for this one, add the actual text you want to appear for the link that you press on. This should be the same as YOUR WORK TITLE above.
  2. save this file. you're done!