
MTH (Mud Telopt Handler) server side TELNET implementation

Primary LanguageC

MTH (Mud Telopt Handler) is a telnet handler which supports the
following TELNET options.

CHARSET      - Reports the character sets supported by the client.
ECHO         - Allows toggling local echo.
EOR          - Allows prompt marking.
GMCP         - Allows MSDP event handling with JSON syntax.
MCCP2        - Allows server side compression.
MCCP3        - Allows client side compression.
MSDP         - Allows structured data exchange and event handling.
MSSP         - Reports various features supported by the server.
MTTS         - Reports various features supported by the client.
NAWS         - Reports the client's window size.
NEW_ENVIRON  - Reports various system variables.
TTYPE        - Reports the client's terminal type.

MTH has a permissive license, just leave the copyright notice in the
original sources, otherwise you can do as you please with it.

MTH will run stand alone and by default opens a connection on port
4321 to which a telnet / mud client can connect. This is primarily
there so you can test the code and provide you with an example

Client side MCCP3 support is currently only supported by TinTin++.