
Script to Setup a Minecraft Server in an Oracle Cloud Instance

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

How to use the Script to Setup a Minecraft Server in an Oracle Cloud Instance

Create an Account

Follow the account creation section of this tutorial and come back here to complete the setup

Todd Sharp, Oracle Developers Blog - How To Set Up and Run a (Really Powerful) Free Minecraft Server in the Cloud

Instance Setup

Create an Oracle Cloud instance with the following configuration:

Image and Shape:

Choose "Oracle Linux 9" as the image

Choose "Ampere" for the shape

Select "VM.Standard.A1.Flex"

Set it to have 4 OCPUs and 24GB memory


Select "Create new virtual cloud network" and leave everything as default

SSH Keys:

Download the private/public SSH keys for your instance

Click "Create"


Click on the subnet in the page that has just opened

Click on the Default Security List

Click "Add Ingress Rules"

Add two rules, both with source "" and destination port range "25565", one using protocol TCP and the other UDP (add multiple by clicking "Another Ingress Rule")

Click "Add Ingress Rules"

That's the instance setup done!


If on Windows, you will have to install SSH yourself

SSH Connection Command
ssh opc@<public ip of oracle instance> -i <path to and name of private key file>

After Connecting To Your Instance Via SSH

Fetching the Server Script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/martiandeath/Minecraft-Server-Setup/main/Forge-Minecraft-Server-Setup.sh


wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/martiandeath/Minecraft-Server-Setup/main/Vanilla-Minecraft-Server-Setup.sh
Setting the Script's File Permissions
chmod +x Minecraft-Server-Setup.sh
Running the Script


Setting Minecraft Game Rules (In Minecraft Server Console) (Optional)
gamerule doFireTick false
gamerule playersSleepingPercentage 0
After Setting Up The Game Rules:

Stop the server by typing "stop"

Exit the SSH connection by typing "exit"

Go to your Oracle Cloud interface and reboot your instance, this will apply any updates completed during running the script

Reconnect to your instance and start the server using the command below, once this command has been run, you can disconnect from the SSH connection and close the terminal window


Server Address
<public ip>:25565
Running the Server After First-Time Setup
nohup ./run.sh &