
An implementation of five reinforcement learning algorithms to simulate macro actions for the HFO problem.

Primary LanguageC++

Macro Actions for Reinforcement Learning

This is the repository for a course project in Reinforcement Learning (CS747) by Kalpesh Krishna, Vihari Piratla and Varun Bhatt.


We implement five macro-action algorithms on the HFO framework to learn defensive strategies.

  • Decision Interval SARSA - Located in di_sarsa, this algorithm repeats the same action for a fixed number of steps before a SARSA update and a change in action.
  • FiGAR SARSA - Located in figar_sarsa, this is a SARSA version of the Fine Grained Action Repetition framework, described in an ICLR 2017 paper.
  • Reward Regularization - Located in reg_sarsa, this algorithm penalizes a agent whenever it changes its action. This fixed penalty is directly deduced from the received reward.
  • Augmented Action Space - Located in action_space_sarsa, this algorithm is a SARSA version of an AAAI paper, Dynamic Action Repetition for Deep Reinforcement Learning.
  • Conditional FiGAR SARSA - Located in conditional_figar_sarsa, this algorithm modifies FiGAR SARSA and conditions the dynamic interval decision on the previously taken action.


This project uses the Half-Field Offense framework as a testbed. Make sure your system satisfies the requirements needed by this framework. Start in the root directory of this project.

git clone https://github.com/LARG/HFO
cd HFO
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelwithDebInfo ..
make -j4
make install
cd ../..

Set server_wait_seconds to 100 in HFO/bin/teams/base/config/player.conf.

If there is an error with rcssserver, clone mhauskn/rcssserver and install using

./configure --with-boost-libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
sudo make install

Then change line 67 in HFO/bin/HFO from serverCommand = os.path.join(binary_dir, SERVER_BIN) to serverCommand = SERVER_BIN.


You can run the bash scripts in the schedulers directory for each of the five algorithms. These scripts run a 2v2 scenario with one defense agent being trained. For example,

mkdir logs

You will find the results in the newly created logs directory.

Scripts to run a 3v3 scenario with two defense agents being trained can be found in schedulers3v3 directory.


You can find our final project report in report/report.pdf. The empirical results have been added to report/report.org and plots to report/plots/.