
A Hugo theme component to generate Lorem ipsum

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



This is not a standalone theme. It is a Hugo theme component providing a shortcode: loremipsum to generate greek text paragraphs.

It starts off with a standard "Lorem ipsum …" text, then randomises the sentence order on each subsequent paragraph.


  1. Add the hugo-loremipsum as a submodule to be able to get upstream changes later git submodule add https://github.com/martignoni/hugo-loremipsum.git themes/hugo-loremipsum
  2. Add hugo-loremipsum as the left-most element of the theme list variable in your site's or theme's configuration file config.yaml or config.toml. Example, with config.yaml:
    theme: ["hugo-loremipsum", "my-theme"]
    or, with config.toml,
    theme = ["hugo-loremipsum", "my-theme"]
  3. In your site, use the shortcode, e.g. to generate 3 paragraphs of Lorem ipsum greek text :
    {{< loremipsum 3 >}}
    or simply, for just one paragraph
    {{< loremipsum >}}


Copyright © 2019 onwards, Nicolas Martignoni nicolas@martignoni.net.

This theme component was possible because of the code published by Chris Allmark in this Hugo forum post, with his friendly permission.