Spring Boot 2 Application running on K8

Gradle Tasks

  • gradle bootRun for running the Spring Boot application
  • gradle dockerBuildImage for building the docker image
  • gradle dockerPushImage for pushing the image to my private Docker registry

gradle dockerPushImage

You need to specify the properties dockerHubUsername and dockerHubPassword. See the Gradle docs.

This can be done through the global gradle properties file in ~/.gradle/gradle.properties. Like


Or it can be done through the command line like:

gradle dockerPushImage -PdockerHubUsername=[username] -PdockerHubPassword=[password]

Running on local Kubernetes

To check what the current configured clusters/contexts are:

kubectl config view

To show the current context:

kubectl config current-context

Continuous Integration

Used CircleCI. Needed to specify the following Environment Variables: