
Personal NixOS files

Primary LanguageNix



NixOS is a Linux distribution with a unique package management system, Nix, offering precise control and reproducible configurations. It follows a declarative and functional programming approach, ensuring system reliability and easy rollback.

You could directly use this but it's better to extract the pieces you want in your own config. Checkout nix-starter-config for a good initial starting point for NixOS with flakes.

Fresh installation notes

  • sudo ln -s /home/martijn/Nix/flake.nix /etc/nixos/flake.nix
  • sudo tailscale up --login-server https://headscale.plebian.nl
  • Set accent color to wallpaper in KDE
  • gpg --import private.key
  • ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519


project link
quickemu https://github.com/quickemu-project/quickemu/wiki/05-Advanced-quickemu-configuration
microvm https://astro.github.io/microvm.nix
nixvim https://nix-community.github.io/nixvim/NeovimOptions/index.html
agenix https://github.com/ryantm/agenix/tree/main/doc
home-manager https://home-manager-options.extranix.com/
stylix https://danth.github.io/stylix/