martijndwars's Following
- abuijzeAxonIQ
- aguibert@amzn
- bstamAmsterdam, The Netherlands
- bvennersArtima, Inc.
- chrisseatonShopify
- christhalinger@twitter
- chriswhocodesLondon, UK
- CKPalk
- DanInciBusyMachines
- danluu
- dsluijkThe Netherlands
- erwinvaneyk@temporalio
- FluorescentHallucinogen
- graemerocher@Oraclelabs
- headiusHeadius Enterprises
- ilopmarVMware
- ivodvbThe Hague, The Netherlands
- jkschneider@openrewrite
- jvanzylGuelph, Ontario, Canada
- KeraitoRotterdam, Netherlands
- lucasbraunOracle
- marcvdmEnginebit
- matthiasnobackNoback's Office
- mdo@pierredotco
- melixOracle Labs
- neomatrix369Lead Software, Data, ML Engnr (Self-employed)
- nicolas-grekas@SymfonyCorp
- normanmaurer@Apple @netty @apache
- pascalpfeil@aws
- pniederwAustria
- rscGoogle
- shipilevAmazon Web Services
- sp00m@blablacar
- synctextDelft University of Technology
- youroffSeattle, US