
A spam filter for E-mails.

Primary LanguagePython


A spam filter for E-mails via IMAP-Protocol. Various features are used to classify spam:

  • Mail-Body via Bayesian Network
  • Mail-Subject via Bayesian Network
  • URLs in the mail via Google Safe Browsing API
  • Mail-Sender via a Blacklist

Running the Application

After you have specified all required required configuration values in the spamfilter.ini file (see next section), you can simply start the application via docker or with your local python installation (see requirements.txt for dependencies).

If the application is started in the 'USERMAIL_TRAINING' or 'ONLINE_TRAINING' start-mode, it can be trained further with new mails if you enter 'train' in the console. This training is synchronized with the mail-check.


The application can be configured by providing the values in the spamfilter.ini file or by using command line arguments. If both are specified, the command line arguments overwrite the values in the config-file. To see the possible configuration values, run the application with the -h argument.

Some configurations are required. A default value is used for optional values if they are omitted. The config-file is separated in different section:

Config-Key required default value description
username yes - The username / email-address of the email-account to be checked
password yes - The password for the email-account to be checked
host yes - The imap-host-address of the mail-server
port no 993 The imap-port of the mail-server
ssl no True A flag that indicates whether or not you want to connect to the mail-server using SSL
Config-Key required default value description
inbox yes - The mailbox to check for spam
spam_mailbox yes - The mailbox into which spam mails are to be moved
train_ham_mailbox yes - The mailbox that you want to use to train ham mails
train_spam_mailbox yes - The mailbox that you want to use to train spam mails
Spam-Classification Settings
Config-Key required default value description
score_threshold no 0.5 The thresholds from which an email is treated as spam
check_interval no 15 The interval at which spam is regularly filtered
Classification-Weight Settings

It is possible to configure the weight of each feature with which it contributes to the total score. The sum of all weights must be at least 1, but can also be higher.

Config-Key required default value description
body_weight no 0 The weight with which the mail body contributes to the total score
subject_weight no 0 The weight with which the mail subject contributes in the total score
url_weight no 0 The weight with which urls in the mail contributes in the total score
from_weight no 0 The weight with which the sender contributes in the total score
Process Settings
Config-Key required default value description
start_mode no USERMAIL_TRAINING The mode in which the application is started and trained. See section 'Modes' for details
check_mode no NORMAL The mode im which spam mails are handled. See section 'Modes' for details
max_train_mails no 500 The maximum amount of mails used for training from each mailbox
batch_size no 100 The amount of mails that are retrieved at once from the mail server
console_log_level no INFO The level at which the application should be logged
create_logfiles no False A flag that indicates whether a logfile should be created
External Settings
Config-Key required default value description
google_api_token only if url_weight is greater than 0 - The API-key to access the Google Safe Browsing API. See the API documentation for details


It is possible to specify the Start-Mode (config-key start_mode) and the Check-Mode (config-key check_mode) The possible values and there effects are described here:

Mode description
PRETRAINED The Bayesian Network is deserialized from a previously trained run
USERMAIL_TRAINING The mails from the specified mailboxes are used for the training
ONLINE_TRAINING The Bayesian Network is first deserialized from a previously trained run and then further learned from the mails in the specified mailboxes
TESTDATA_TRAINING The provided test mails will be used for training
NO_TRAINING No training will be performed. This only makes sense if the weight for body and subject is set to 0
LIST_MAIL_FOLDERS Available mailboxes for the mailbox settings will be listed. The application then shuts down
Mode description
NONE Only the training will be performed. No mails are checked
NORMAL Detected spam mails are moved to the specified mailbox
FLAGGING Instead of moving mails, they are only flagged
DRYRUN Mails are checked, but neither flagged nor moved