Animated globe on page scroll

D3 globe - animates rotation and zoom to defined locations nominated in content parts

Configuring globe scenes

The parts.json file controls all of the content for the overlays and the rotation, scale and highlight settings on the globe. It consists of an array of object, each object (detailed below) controls each scene.

Key Children Use type
Splash Intended as the first 'scene', used as the main title and intro Object
Title Main title of the piece String
Intro Introduction to the piece String
Image Small image to display in the splash area (takes src, alt and width properties) Object
Kicker Short text displayed at the top the content (card) overlay String
Title Title for the overlay card String
Text Caption text for the card, each array entry is a paragraph Array of Strings
Images Array of objects of images to display in the overlay cards Array
Image Object Image properties (src, alt and width) Object
Map Settings to update the globe Object
country Name of the country to rotate into central position (lowercase) String
scale Scale (zoom level) of the globe Float
focus Names of countries to highlight as main features Array of Strings
highlights Secondary list of countries to highlight (can have dofferent color) Array of Strings
points Additional markers to render on the globe (generate the object data at Array of Objects

Example of section part json:

  "splash": {
    "title": "Main title<br />over two decks",
    "intro": false,
    "image": { "src": "placeholder", "alt": "", "width": 200, "type": "splash "}
  "kicker": "Melbourne, Australia",
  "title": "1991",
  "text": [
    "Ex nostrud dolor et ex consequat incididunt irure exercitation fugiat. Occaecat eiusmod id cupidatat consequat culpa velit irure ullamco proident ipsum. Fugiat quis duis sit consequat reprehenderit anim cupidatat occaecat qui ut sint Lorem minim. Qui exercitation elit fugiat id laborum fugiat ipsum. Ea ea et laborum sint consequat cupidatat laboris qui exercitation labore ad non nostrud excepteur. Elit sunt tempor ad tempor sit."
  "images": false,
  "map": {
    "country": "iceland",
    "scale": 0.5,
    "focus": ["spain"],
    "highlights": ["france"],
    "points": [
        "geometry": {
          "type": "Point",
          "coordinates": [144.93576049804688, -37.815208598896234]

Style options

There are a series of options that be easily set to change some styling options on the globe. The theme will make general changes through the template while the more specfic items allow for a fine control to customise within these themes:

  theme: 'dark',
  tooltips: {
    use: true,
    background: 'rgba(0,0,0, 0.5)',
    border: 'gold',
    color: 'white'
  points: {
    fill: 'tomato',
    stroke: 'black',
    radius: 10,
  mobileGradients: true,
  initialScale: 0.2,
  globe: {
    innerShadow: true,
    innerHighlight: true,
    dropShadow: true,
    graticule: true,
  land: {
    highlight: 'rgba(255,255,255, 1)',
    focus: 'gold',
  cards: {
    kicker: {
      color: 'tomato',
      shadow: false,
    title: {
      color: 'white',
      shadow: false,
    caption: {
      color: 'white',
      shadow: false,
  splash: {
    title: {
      color: 'gold',
      shadow: false,
    intro: {
      color: 'white',
      shadow: false,