
Conway's game of life written in XC that makes use of concurrent programming

Primary LanguageXC



This is Conway's version of Game of life. Made as an assignment for Concurrent Computing.
The simulation is designed to work on xCORE-200 eXplorerKIT. Some of the core features are parallel programming, synchronization and bit-packing.


The simulation is written in XC.
There are 6 available boards/pictures - 16x16, 64x64, 128x128, 512x512 and 1024x1024.
Upon F13 button press, the program will distribute the the board within 4 or 8 "workers" working on
different threads. It includes:

  • Button Listener
  • Orientation Listener
  • LED trigger
  • Synchronised thread communication using channels


-----64x64, 100 Iterations, Time taken:6020 miliseconds---->
---128x128, 100 Iterations, Time taken:17935 miliseconds--->


Beneficial factors:

  • Direct parallel communication between workers, so that they don’t trigger a deadlock.
  • Packing of 8 cells into a single byte (bit packing) within DataInStream()
  • Minimal data transfer across the workers and the distributor
  • Workers working synchronized


  • The number of tiles: with more tiles we could have more workers processing in parallel
  • The need for data transfer between distributor and workers whenever a data export is requested

Possible improvements

  • We have multiple ideas on how to improve the program that we couldn’t try due to time restraints: The data can be compressed even more by grouping clusters together into a “word” and then encoding that word into an ASCII character. That way, even though we would have to save a dictionary for the different encodings, that dictionary would still take less space in processing larger images. This scheme would work very similarly to the LZW compression used in compressing files.
  • We can disable and reassign workers that are processing empty (dead) sections of the board. We can decide which workers may need reassigning using previously gathered board data.
  • We experimented with storage in the nextGen function. We could replace multiple integer values representing the cells surrounded the current cell, by a single value that simply accumulated the number of alive cells that surrounded the current cell.