
A Test Repository for Evaluating CI Hosting Options

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Test Project for Hosted CI Tests

This is useless for anything else. Now twice as good!

Sphinx Documentation

Build the documentation with python setup.py docs and run doctests with python setup.py doctest. Start editing the file docs/index.rst to extend the documentation. The documentation also works with Read the Docs.

Unittest & Coverage

Run python setup.py test to run all unittests defined in the subfolder tests with the help of py.test. The py.test plugin pytest-cov is used to automatically generate a coverage report. For usage with a continuous integration software JUnit and Coverage XML output can be activated. h-tox`` can be specified.

Requirements Management

Add the requirements of your project to the requirements.txt file which will be automatically used by setup.py.


All licenses from choosealicense.com can be easily selected with the help of the --license flag.