
Trezor Provider to use with Truffle (for migrations, usage from console)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a subprovider for Metamask's web3-provider-engine. Also, there is a factory for creating web3 providers. This subprovider can be used to sign transaction with Truffle (during migrate or inside a console).

So, you can secure your deployments and other contract interactions using Trezor's hardware wallets.


Install @rariblecom/trezor-provider and use it inside truffle-config.js:

const { createProvider } = require('@rarible/trezor-provider')

module.exports = {
    networks: {
        ropsten: {
            provider: function() {
                //websocket and http urls are supported
                return createProvider({ url: "{infura or other}", path: "m/44'/60'/0'/0/0", chainId: 3 }) 
            network_id: 3

Java 8 or higher is required to run this (UI should be rendered to show PIN and passphrase enter dialogs).

Source code is included in the ui folder.

Construct your own provider using Metamask's provider engine

If you want to construct custom provider, then use TrezorSubProvider

const { TrezorSubProvider } = require('@rarible/trezor-provider')

const trezor = new TrezorSubProvider({ path: "your path", chainId: 1 }) 

Then use this sub provider with Web3ProviderEngine