
My Starter Package and full commands for start any project webdev (HTML, PHP, Laravel, Symfony, WordPress, ..)

Primary LanguageShell



This project is a starter for web development. It's a simple project with a lot of technology, template, framework, etc... You can choose your technology and start your project with a good base.

Table of contents


  • Git
  • NodeJS / NPM
  • Packages minimal before work with : node-sass, nodemon, uglifycss

Start creator project

Step 1

  • ./start.sh

Step 2

  • Choose your technology / template / framework

Step 3

  • Configure your project

Step 4

  • Start your project !

Specifics commands

  • npm run css # Compile sass to css
  • npm run uglify # Minify css
  • npm run watch # Listening all change in SaSS for update (s)CSS


  • Martin Lechêne
  • You ? Don't hesitate to contribute and send your best pull request or repair all issues !


MIT License


To Do List

Auto installers

Auto install dependencies #14

  • NodeJS
  • NPM
    • node-sass
    • nodemon
    • uglifycss
    • uglifyjs
    • browser-sync
    • gulp
    • grunt
    • webpack
    • parcel
    • rollup
    • bower
    • yarn
    • nvm
    • discordJS
    • express
    • react
    • vue
    • angular
    • jquery
    • bootstrap
    • foundation
    • materialize
    • semantic-ui
    • tailwind
    • bulma
    • skeleton
    • pure
  • Yarn
  • Git
  • Composer
  • PHP (7.4 to +8.3)
  • Python (3.9 to +4.0)
  • Java (8 to +17)
  • Git
  • Composer

Installers project

  • HTML5 #7
    • Bootstrap
    • Foundation
    • Materialize
    • Semantic UI
    • Bulma
    • Skeleton
    • Pure
    • UI Kit
  • Software
    • C #1
    • C+ #2
    • C++ #3
    • C# #4
  • Java
  • Python #11
    • Basic
    • Crawler
    • Django
    • FastAPI
    • Flask
    • Kivy
    • Pygame
    • PyQT
    • Django
  • PHP #9
    • Base
    • Basic
    • Brionmario
    • Mastodon
    • PHPSearch
    • CodeIgniter
    • CakePHP
    • Zend
    • Yii
  • Docker #6
  • Drupal
  • Laravel #8
  • Symfony #12
  • AngularJS
  • ReactJS
  • VueJS
  • Ruby
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Go
  • Rust
  • Swift
  • Kotlin
  • Scala
  • Dart
  • Flutter
  • .NET
  • Wordpress #13


  • Visual Studio Code
      • Visual Studio
      • Sublime Text
      • Atom
      • Notepad++
      • Brackets
      • Eclipse
      • NetBeans
      • IntelliJ IDEA
      • Android Studio
      • PyCharm
      • WebStorm
      • PhpStorm
      • RubyMine
      • GoLand


  • Delete all files of project listed in /projects
  • Template for create a new command

Actions on project

  • Ugilify JS & CSS
  • Minify JS & CSS
  • Compile SaSS