
Dockerfiles for StreamSets Data Collector

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#StreamSets Data Collector

You must accept the Oracle Binary Code License Agreement for Java SE to use this image.

Basic Usage

docker run -p 18630:18630 -d streamsets/datacollector

Detailed Usage

  • You can specify a custom configs by mounting them as a volume to /etc/sdc or /etc/sdc/
  • Configuration properties in sdc.properties can also be overridden at runtime by specifying them env vars prefixed with SDC_CONF
  • For example http.port would be set as SDC_CONF_HTTP_PORT=12345
  • You should at a minimum specify a data volume for the data directory and stage libraries. The default configured location is /data for $SDC_DATA. You can override this location by passing a different value to the environment variable SDC_DATA. Creating a volume for additional stage libraries is described in more detail below.
  • You can also specify your own explicit port mappings, or arguments to the streamsets command.

For example to run with a customized sdc.properties file, a local filsystem path to store pipelines, and statically map the default UI port you could use the following:

docker run -v $PWD/sdc.properties:/etc/sdc/sdc.properties:ro -v $PWD/sdc-data:/data:rw -p 18630:18630 -d streamsets/datacollector dc

Creating a Data Volumes

To create a dedicated data volume for the pipeline store issue the following command:

docker volume create --name sdc-data

You can then use the -v (volume) argument to mount it when you start the data collector.

docker run -v sdc-data:/data -P -d streamsets/datacollector dc

Note: There are two different methods for managing data in Docker. The above is using data volumes which are empty when created. You can also use data containers which are derived from an image. These are useful when you want to modify and persist a path starting with existing files from a base container, such as for configuration files. We'll use both in the example below. See Manage data in containers for more detailed documentation.

Pre-configuring Data Collector

Option 1 - Volumes (Recommended)

First we create a data container for our configuration. We'll call ours sdc-conf

docker create -v /etc/sdc --name sdc-conf streamsets/datacollector docker run --rm -it --volumes-from sdc-conf ubuntu bash

Tip: You can substitute ubuntu for your favorite base image. This is only a temporary container for editing the base configuration files.

Edit the configuration of SDC to your liking by modifying the files in /etc/sdc

You can choose to create separate data containers using the above procedure for $SDC_DATA (/data) and other locations, or you can add all of the volumes to the same container. For multiple volumes in a single data container you could use the following syntax:

docker create -v /etc/sdc -v /data -v --name sdc-volumes streamsets/datacollector

If you find it easier to edit the configuration files locally you can, instead of starting the temporary container above, use the docker cp command to copy the configuration files back and forth from the data container.

To install stage libs using the CLI or Package Manager UI you'll need to create a volume for the stage libs directory. It's also recommended to use a volume for the data directory at a minimum.

docker volume create --name sdc-stagelibs (If you didn't create a data container for /data then run the command below) docker volume create --name sdc-data

The volume needs to then be mounted to the correct directory when launching the container. The example below is for Data Collector version

docker run --name sdc -d -v sdc-stagelibs:/opt/streamsets-datacollector- -v sdc-data:/data -P streamsets/datacollector dc -verbose

To get a list of available libs you could do:

docker run --rm streamsets/datacollector: stagelibs -list

For example, to install the JDBC lib into the sdc-stagelibs volume you created above, you would run:

docker run --rm -v sdc-stagelibs:/opt/streamsets-datacollector- streamsets/datacollector: stagelibs -install=streamsets-datacollector-jdbc-lib

Option 2 - Deriving a new image

One disadvantage of the first method is that we can't commit data in a volume and distribute it via a docker registry. Instead we must create the volume, backup the data, restore the data if we need to recreate or move the container to another host.

This second option will allow us to make modifications to the original base image, creating a new one which can be pushed to a docker registry and easily distributed.

The simplest and recommended way is simply to create your own Dockerfile with the official streamsets/datacollector image as the base! This provides a repeatable process for building derived images.

For example this derived Dockerfile:

FROM streamsets/datacollector:
# My custom configured sdc.properties
COPY sdc.properties /etc/sdc/sdc.properties

docker build -t mycompany/datacollector: . docker push mycompany/datacollector:

I've now created a new image with a customized sdc.properties file and am able to distribute it from a docker registry with ease!

You can also launch a default container, modify it while it is running and use the docker commit command, but this isn't recommended.