
Mimicks the functionality of UIPageViewController in pure HTML for mobile web apps with Angular 2

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Mimicks the functionality of UIPageViewController in pure HTML for mobile web apps, using DOM recycling and CSS3 transitions for near-native performance. Built with Angular 2, and designed to work seamlessly in normal NG2 templates.

Designed for Angular 2.3.0

Live Demo


Example Usage


npm install --save ng2-page-slider

Typescript - NG2 Mobile Slider

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { KBPagesRendererDirective, KBPageSliderComponent } from 'ng2-page-slider';

	selector: 'example-component',
	directives: [KBPagesRendererDirective, KBPageSliderComponent],
	template: `
			<div *kbPages="let page of pages" class="page" [style.background]="page.color">
export class ExampleComponent {
	public pages = [
		{title: "Page 1", color: "red"},
		{title: "Page 2", color: "green"}

Typescript - NG2 Desktop Hero w/ Buttons

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { 
	KBPagesRendererDirective, KBPageSliderComponent, KBNavButtonComponent
} from 'ng2-page-slider';

	selector: 'example-component',
	directives: [KBPagesRendererDirective, KBPageSliderComponent, KBNavButtonComponent],
	template: `
		<kb-page-slider [overlayIndicator]="false" dotColor="black"

			<!-- Pages -->
			<div *kbPages="let page of pages" [style.background]="page.image"></div>

			<!-- Navigation Buttons -->
			<kb-nav-button backward [showBackground]="true"
						[(page)]="pageNumber" [pageCount]="pageCount">

			<kb-nav-button forward [showBackground]="true"
						[(page)]="pageNumber" [pageCount]="pageCount">

export class ExampleComponent {
	public pageNumber : number = 0;
	public pageCount : number = 0;
	public pages = [
		{image: "http://asset.url/1.png"},
		{image: "http://asset.url/2.png"}

It should also be possible to use this component from JS-based NG2 apps from index.js, although I have not gotten the chance to test that.


KBPageSliderComponent (kb-page-slider)

Container component for pages. Optionally includes a KBDotIndicatorComponent at the bottom. Handles touch events, resizing and animation.

Input Properties

  • page: Current page number, zero-based index.
    • Allows two-way data binding
    • Must be a number 0 <= page < pageCount
    • Defaults to 0
  • transitionDuration: In the absence of scrolling momentum, how long should a transition take?
    • Expressed as an integer number of milliseconds >= 0
    • Defaults to 250ms
  • locked: When true, page scrolling is disabled
    • Boolean, defaults to false
  • showIndicator: When true, includes a dot indicator at the bottom.
    • Boolean, defaults to true
  • overlayIndicator: When true, renders indicator above the page content.
    • Boolean, defaults to true
  • dotColor: Color of the active page dot (other dots are the same color but more transparent)
    • CSS Color string (color name, hex, rgb, or rgba)
    • Defaults to white
  • enableOverscroll: When true, user can scroll slightly past the first and last page.
    • Boolean, defaults to true
  • enableSideClicks: When true, clicking near the edge of a page will cause page navigation.
    • Boolean, defaults to true
  • enableArrowKeys: When true, the left and right arrow keys will cause page navigation.
    • Boolean, defaults to true

Instance Properties

  • pageCount: Total number of pages, determined by KBPagesRendererDirective.
    • Read-only instance property
    • Observe with pageCountChange
    • Number >= 0
  • pageWidth / pageHeight: Pixel size of an individual page
    • Read-only instance properties
    • Observe with pageSizeChange

KBPagesRendererDirective (kbPages)

Renders pages using DOM recycling, so only at most 3 exist on the DOM at any given time (previous, current, next). Modeled on ngFor, uses the exact same looping syntax.

It's probably kind of annoying to make this work if you want a fixed set of premade pages, instead of a loop over a set of data. It'd work but, in the future it might be good to add an alternative directive for that use case.

Provided Loop Variables

These variables are available inside of kbPages, similar to ngFor loop items.

  • index: number Zero-based index of the current page.
  • isFirst: boolean True when the page is the first page.
  • isLast: boolean True when the page is the last page.
  • isActive: boolean True when the page is currently being viewed by the user.

KBDotIndicatorComponent (kb-dot-indicator)

Indicates the current page and the total number of pages using dots, in a style popularized by iOS. Scrolls smoothly when the number of pages exceeds the number of dots that can fit on the screen. Can be used independantly of KBPageSliderComponent.


  • page: Current page number, zero-based index.
    • Must be a number 0 <= page < pageCount
  • pageCount: Total number of pages, determined by KBPagesRendererDirective.
    • Number >= 0
  • dotColor: Color of the active page dot (other dots are the same color but more transparent)
    • CSS Color string (color name, hex, rgb, or rgba)
    • Defaults to white

KBNavButtonComponent (kb-nav-button)

Customizable chevron button that can be linked to KBPageSliderComponent. Automatically disables on first or last page. Must be used with either a forward or backward attribute to specify direction.

Input Properties

  • page: Current page number, zero-based index.
    • Allows two-way data binding
    • Must be a number 0 <= page < pageCount
  • pageCount: Used to automatically disable the forward button on the last page
    • Must be a number greater than 0
  • size: Pixel size of the button (applies to both width and height)
    • Expressed as an integer number of pixels >= 0
    • Defaults to 44px
  • showBackground: When true, show a circular background and drop shadow, a la material design
    • Boolean, defaults to false
  • iconColor: Color of the chevron icon
    • CSS Color string (color name, hex, rgb, or rgba)
    • Defaults to white when showBackground is false and black when it's true
  • backgroundColor: Color of the circular background, when showBackground is true
    • CSS Color string (color name, hex, rgb, or rgba)
    • Defaults to white