
This repository contains the source code for the base installation integrating xTuple and Drupal. This code builds a full website and forms the basis for all xTupleCommerce sites.

Primary LanguageShell

xDruple Distribution

Creating a new project

Step 1. Run Composer create-project command on your (virtual) server:

composer create-project --stability dev --no-interaction --repository-url=http://satis.codedrivendrupal.com xtuple/xdruple-drupal project.xd

Step 1a. Edit project.xd/composer.json file; require appropriate Drupal profile:

"require": {
    "cdd/drupal-installer-plugin": "dev-master",
    "profiles/base": "dev-master"

Step 1b. Go to project directory cd project.xd and run composer update

Step 2. Initialize a new repo

git init

Step 2a. Add remote (Github) and push code to it

git remote add origin git@github.com:xtuple/xtuple-marketplace.git
git push --all origin

Step 3. Add default features set and Core module into drupal/project/modules

Step 4. Initialized default theme.

Step 5. Remove "Creating a new project" part from README.md, change the title and update Installation instruction to be more concrete.

Step 6. Add and commit all files. Publish code to Github.


Step 1. Clone the repository:

git clone git@github.com:xtuple/project-repo.git project.xd

Step 2. Go to project directory and switch to develop branch:

cd project.xd && git checkout develop

Step 3. Run composer install:

composer install

Step 4. Copy config/environment.php.dist to config/environment.php and fill in with correct information.

Step 5. Run drush-si.sh script. It requires parameters in the exact order: developer's email, site name, DB name, DB user, DB pass, environment (local). Example:

./drush-si.sh developer.wsg@xtuple.com "Site name" name user pass local

Step 6. (optional) If using an IDE, mark these directories as excluded:


Step 7. (optional) If using PHPStorm IDE, enable Drupal support:

  • Drupal installation path is drupal/core
  • Version is 7
  • Make sure Code style is set from predefined "Drupal"