
Mock final classes

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT

Mock final classes

This library allows you to mock classes that have final keyword in their signature. This is accomplished by hooking up into autoload process and changing source code of the class on the fly.

This library was inspired by dg/bypass-finals library. I wanted to have same functionally but with different approach. I hope that this different approach will not have the same problems as dg/bypass-finals have with infection.


Let's say you have this class that you want to mock:

# ./FooBar.php
final class FooBar {


Only thing what you need to do in your test is this:


use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Robier\Tests\IgnoreFinal;

class FooBarTest extends TestCase
    public function testSomething(): void

Class IgnoreFinal will find the source code of the class we want to mock, and it will remove all final keywords from source code and load that modified source code instead of real one.


First run docker/build to build a container and then docker/run composer run test for running all tests.


Feel free to contribute!