GPU Accelerated MIMO for lab experiments concerning Multimode Fiber systems

Primary LanguagePython


GPU Accelerated MIMO for lab experiments concerning Multimode Fiber systems. For more information please see the included paper.

This Repository contains a GPU Python Implementation of the Multiple input, Multiple output adaptive equalizer required for Multimode fiber systems.


Added the version used to write the library just in case.
*Python 3.x (3.6.3) *Pyculib (1.0.2) *Numba (0.35.0) *Numpy (1.13.3) *Matplotlib (2.1.0) *Cuda Toolkit (9)


Inside the repository several Python files can be Found.


Sample usage of the MIMO.


Randomly generates a signal.


Distorts signals using a delay or crosstalk.


CPU implementation of the MIMO-equalizer.


General GPU implementation of the MIMO-equalizer.


Optimzed GPU implementation of the MIMO-equalizer. Optimization by: Merging several GPU Kernels. Doing the First "input" FFT for every required cycle at the same time in the beginning.


All the GPU code for the MIMO

The rest of the files contain performance tests of the MIMO.

Further improvements

The current implementation is able to speed up multimode fiber systems significanlty, however the implementation is still held back by the libary used for the Fourier transform. This library requires multiple kernel invocations per cycle which are quite slow, furthermore it can only work on onedimensional datasets making the code more complex than it needs to be.