
Do you really understand Webpack?

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Do you really understand Webpack?

Do you really understand Webpack? If we know the answers to the following questions, it means that we have mastered Webpack. Welcome to give your answers.

Webpack in action

  • What other tools are similar to Webpack
  • Talk about why you chose to use or give up webpack
  • The difference between Loader and Plugin
  • What are the common Loaders? What problems can they solve?
  • What are the common Plugins? What problems can they solve?
  • How to use Webpack to optimize front-end performance
  • How to improve the speed of Webpack's build?
  • How to monitor and analyze the bundle volume?
  • How to configure a single page application? How to configure a multi-page application?
  • How to implement on-demand loading in Vue and React projects?
  • What are the benefits of monorepo projects, and how are they packaged?
  • What is Source Map? How to use the production environment?
  • What is long cache?
  • How to optimize long cache in Webpack?
  • What is the difference between hash chunkhash contenthash in Webpack?

Webpack principle

  • What is the construction process of Webpack?
  • Have you ever written Loader? Describe the idea of ​​writing Loader?
  • Have you ever written Plugin? Describe the idea of ​​writing Plugin?
  • What is the order of inline pre post normal loader execution?
  • What is the principle of Webpack packaging? Talk about babel and abstract syntax tree
  • What is the principle of dev-server? Describe its specific process
  • Please talk about the working principle of DIlPlugin and DllReferencePlugin
  • How is the hot update of Webpack done? Explain its principle?
  • Have you learned about Tree shaking? Talk about its realization principle

Webpack 5

  • What are the new features in Webpack 5
  • The significance of Module Federation in Webpack 5 to the micro front end