

Primary LanguageGo



git clone https://github.com/wuyan94zl/go-api



// 定义查询数据
var conditions []model.Condition
// 设置name右模糊查询
conditions = model.SetCondition(conditions,"name","无言%","like")
// 设置age大于30
conditions = model.SetCondition(conditions,"age","30",">")
// 设置sex大于0(0:男,1:女) 第4个参数默认 =
conditions = model.SetCondition(conditions,"sex","0")

user := model.GetOne(&user.User{}, conditions)
// select * from users where name like '无言%' and age > 30 and sex = 0 limit 1
users := model.GetAll(&[]user.User{}, conditions)
// sql:select * from users where name like '无言%' and age > 30 and sex = 0
users := model.GetAll(&[]user.User{}, conditions,10)
// sql:select * from users where name like '无言%' and age > 30 and sex = 0 limit 10
users := model.GetAll(&[]user.User{}, conditions,10,5)
// sql:select * from users where name like '无言%' and age > 30 and sex = 0 LIMIT 10 OFFSET 5
users := list := model.Paginate(&[]user.User, model.PageInfo{Page: 2, PageSize: 15}, conditions)
// sql:select count(*) from users where name like '无言%' and age > 30 and sex = 0 limit 1
// sql:select * from users where name like '无言%' and age > 30 and sex = 0 limit 15 OFFSET 15